
Spider veins are small, dilated capillaries that form just beneath the skin’s surface that may occur anywhere from the thighs down to the ankles. They appear as clusters of blue or red lines and can become larger and more extensive over time. Common locations for spider veins include the back and side of the thigh, the calf area, and just below the knee and the ankle. While spider veins are not painful or dangerous, many people choose to seek cosmetic treatment to remove them.

Benefits of Sclerotherapy

  • Non-surgical and non-invasive
  • No downtime
  • Polidocanol is effective and safe
  • Treatment is once a month with an average of 4 sessions needed
  • Proven results patients love

How It Works

The procedure, sclerotherapy, treats spider veins in the legs and thighs with a series of monthly injections.  We use Polidocanol, an FDA-approved sclerosing agent which we inject directly into the veins causing them to collapse.

What To Expect

Sclerotherapy treatments are quick are performed monthly for an average of four sessions, each lasting less than 30 minutes. This traditional method of treating spider veins on the legs has been around for more than 100 years, and is proven to be the safest and more effective sclerosing agent available. In order to achieve optimal results, we recommend that our patients wear support stockings for 2 weeks after each session until all treatments are complete. The treatments work for years, but occasionally require touch-up injections as needed.


After each treatment, patients can expect redness, tenderness, and swelling. Treated veins may also leak small amounts of blood under the skin causing temporary bruising and discoloration. 

Most patients can return to normal activities the same day as their sclerotherapy treatment. We recommend wearing compression socks for two weeks after each treatment. Simply remove them for bathing then replace them when skin is dry.

How Long Until the Veins Are Gone?

The number of treatments needed and time to see your final results depends on a few factors. These include the strength of the sclerotherapy solution, the thickness of the treated veins, the type of injection given, and skin complexion. Our vein specialists advise patients to expect to see a significant improvement within the first two months of treatment. Initial results may be noticed within the first two weeks. Upon returning for each follow-up session, your provider will observe the progress of the treatment and assess how many more treatments may be needed.

What Are the Risks of Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a very low risk treatment. The most common side effects from sclerotherapy include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Darkened spots or lines on the skin
  • Raised red areas
  • Multiple tiny red blood vessels
  • Small skin sores

Side effects usually subside after a few days to a week.

Is Sclerotherapy Painful?

Our experienced providers use the latest injection techniques which increase the comfort of the procedure. Patients typically tolerate sclerotherapy very well. Some parts of the treatment area may be more sensitive than others. Even patients who consider themselves needle-phobic often report that their sclerotherapy treatment was only minimally uncomfortable. The combination of our skilled injectors and using the best equipment make for the most comfortable treatment possible.

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