IPL FotoFacial
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL FotoFacial) treatment is a non-invasive technique using pulses of light to reduce the noticeable signs of sun damage and aging. This treatment can reduce facial redness, uneven skin tone, and irregular, mottled pigmentation, as well as flushing and dilated capillaries caused by Rosacea. The treatment is simple and consists of a non-laser medical device delivering a series of gentle pulses of light to the skin. A series of treatments is performed at three to four-week intervals.
This laser works by filtering various wavelengths of light to react with specific skin conditions. The laser stimulates regeneration in the epidermis and the dermis and increasing collagen and elastin fiber production by gently injuring the deep layers of the skin, while sparing damage to its outer layers.
Because the IPL performs on a wider range of wavelengths, the machine can treat more than one condition through the use of special filters. These easily remove unnecessary wavelengths and keep only those required for the specific skin condition we wish to treat.

Patient had 3 IPL treatments and 3 microneedling with radio frequency treatments
- Agnes RF
- Blue Light & Levulan
- Botox Cosmetic
- Cellulaze
- Chemical Peels
- Clear + Brilliant Laser
- CoolSclupting
- CoolTone
- Cosmopen
- Dermal Fillers
- Elite Laser
- FotoFacial
- Fraxel Dual Laser
- FX Laser Resurfacing
- HydraFacial
- Kybella
- Latisse for Lashes
- Laser Hair Removal
- MiraDry
- PicoSure Laser
- PRP Hair Restoration
- Scarlet SRF
- Scar Revision
- Sclerotherapy
- Skin Cancer Reconstruction
- SmartLipo
- SofTap
- Tattoo Removal
- Ultherapy