Evolve Body Contouring

If you’re struggling to achieve your appearance goals, Evolve Body Contouring is a quick, easy, non-invasive treatment that can help tighten and tone areas of concern. In the time it takes to watch an episode of your favorite show, the experienced providers at Golden State Dermatology can help you feel more confident in your skin with Evolve Body Contouring.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is Evolve Body Contouring?

Evolve Body Contouring is a treatment offered at Golden State Dermatology that uses a combination of electromagnetic technology and radiofrequency (RF) energy to sculpt, strengthen, and firm your skin and muscles. Common treatment areas include the thighs, hips, arms, stomach, and buttocks.

What Does Evolve Body Contouring Treat?

Evolve Body Contouring can help with common concerns like cellulite, unwanted fat, and loose or sagging skin. It can also help tone your muscles for more definition, strength, and firmness.

It works in different ways when treating these concerns. When targeting sagging, loose skin and cellulite, it uses radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production, which helps tighten the skin.

To reduce unwanted fat, your provider will transmit radiofrequency heat into adipose tissues to safely destroy fat cells without damaging the skin. If you’re looking to tone your muscles with Evolve Body Contouring, electromagnetic technology will be used to stimulate repeated muscle contractions that help increase strength and definition without the need for a workout.

Am I a Good Candidate for Evolve Body Contouring?

Before undergoing Evolve Body Contouring, you will need to attend a consultation with your provider at Golden State Dermatology. They will review your medical history, BMI, and appearance goals to determine whether you are a good candidate for the treatment.

Generally, good candidates:

  • Are within 10-20 pounds of their ideal weight
  • Have a BMI of 30 or lower
  • Are in good overall health
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcomes of Evolve Body Contouring

How Much Does Evolve Body Contouring Cost?

The cost of your Evolve Body Contouring treatment at Golden State Dermatology varies from patient to patient and can depend on a variety of factors, such as the areas being treated and how many sessions you will need to achieve your desired appearance. Golden State Dermatology also offers financing for certain treatments through CareCredit.

Your provider can discuss this option with you during your initial consultation and let you know whether you can finance your Evolve Body Contouring treatment with CareCredit.

What to Expect During Your Evolve Body Contouring Treatment

At your consultation before treatment, your Golden State Dermatology provider will go over any instructions or restrictions you need to follow to prepare. While you’re welcome to simply relax during your Evolve Body Contouring treatment, some patients opt to bring a book, listen to music, or watch a show on their phone.

The treatments involve painlessly heating the skin and applying light suction, resulting in a massage-like feeling as the radiofrequency and electromagnetic technology work to tone, tighten, and sculpt the treatment areas. While treatment times can vary based on the area being targeted, they typically take less than an hour and can be easily fit into a busy schedule.

What is Recovery Like with Evolve Body Contouring?

Recovery after Evolve Body Contouring is incredibly simple, as there is no downtime needed, and you can get right back to your regular activities. You may experience mild side effects such as redness or warmth, but they are temporary.

Depending on the area being treated, you may begin to see immediate results after Evolve Body Contouring. However, many patients require multiple treatments over several weeks to achieve the best results.

These results will continue to improve for months after your final session. Your provider at Golden State Dermatology will determine the treatment schedule that’s best for you.

Are There Risks or Side Effects with Evolve Body Contouring?

While most patients only experience slight redness and warmth after treatment, there are risks associated with any treatment. Possible side effects include:

  • Sensitive skin
  • Bruising, swelling, or tingling around the treatment area
  • Temporary skin discoloration
  • Sore muscles
  • Muscle spasms

Although these side effects are uncommon and often resolve on their own, you should contact your Golden State Dermatology provider if you’re experiencing symptoms that don’t fade after a few days.

How Will I Look after Evolve Body Contouring?

While results vary from patient to patient, you can expect firmer skin for a more youthful, toned appearance, whether you’re choosing Evolve Body Contouring to treat loose skin around the upper arms or cellulite on the thighs. Many patients also choose the treatment to achieve defined abs, lifted buttocks, or trim fat around the hips.

The ease and versatility of Evolve Body Contouring means your provider at Golden State Dermatology can customize the treatments to address your specific concerns and give you personalized results.

Do you want to learn more about how Evolve Body Contouring can help you achieve your appearance goals? Schedule an appointment at a Golden State Dermatology office near you to get started on your journey towards your dream body!

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