Golden State Dermatology
Pleasant Hill
400 Taylor Boulevard, Suite 301
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
office: 925.687.8882
text: 925.261.7766
fax: 925.687.7261
*Same–day or next-day appointments, if calling after 12 PM. Book online for up-to-date availability.
Email is not secure for care-related questions, please use our patient portal
Monday-Thursday 8AM – 4:30PM
Friday: 8AM – 11:30AM

Specialties & Procedures Offered At Pleasant Hill
We specialize in medical conditions of the skin, hair, and nails, Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of skin cancer as well as surgical and non-surgical cosmetic skincare, and anti-aging. We are committed to providing excellent and personalized care to all of our patients.
Insurances Provided at Our Pleasant Hill Location
Most insurances accepted, including: